Data Is The New Oil, Don’t Spill Even A Drop!

Data Is The New Oil Dont Spill Even A Drop

There was a time when the Oil companies ruled the globe. Oil was considered as an immense untapped valuable asset or valuable resource. It was the key functionality of everything right from the government to local companies. Without it, the global economies would shrink and all the progress would stop. Time has changed, and we […]

Big Data Optimisation Strategies will be winners

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Image courtesy of CloudTweaks

First published by Robb Heineman, FanThreeSixty, 4 Sept 2018. Data is ubiquitous, but success apparently isn’t. Companies using big data strategies are running headlong into an 85 percent failure rate as a result of resistance from management, a lack of adequate training, and an inability to integrate the new strategies with existing business processes. Many […]

Why Data Monetization Is a Win-Win for B2B Businesses

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First published by Andy Peebler, International Business Times, 1 June 2019 Backed by powerful new technologies, B2B companies generate, store and analyze massive amounts of data, often as an artifact of their organizations’ core business offerings. Now, more and more businesses are honing the responsible use of data to segment, package and distribute information to […]

How edge networking and IoT will reshape data centers


In Andy Patrizio’s article published in Network World, he explains how the rise of edge computing and related surge in data produced by the internet of things requires the function of enterprise data centers to shift to handling long-term data aggregation and analysis. The Internet as we have all known it mirrors the design of […]

State of the Data and Digital Nation

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Image courtesy of Australian Digital Council

Australian Digital Council, Prime Minister and Cabinet Office The State of the Data and Digital Nation provides an overview of the main data and digital transformation initiatives taking place across our country, at both Commonwealth and State and Territory government levels. Jurisdictions are striving to make Australians’ lives  better, developing and implementing data and digital […]