Things To Know About Data Breach Insurance Coverage

Things To Know About Data Breach Insurance Coverage

Are you familiar with a Data Breach insurance policy? If you are, you know that it is what one protects. Now is the time whether one may be suitable for your business, in this period of Data Protection. With cyber threats always develop, together with the increase rapidly price of data breaches, it’s no wonder […]

Top 5 Reasons You Can Be Phished

Top 5 Reasons You Can Be Phished

Phishing Attack has taken on a new meaning with 90% of data breaches that an organization succumbs to has got to do with phishing. What makes Phishing attacks so successful. Here are five pointers that are worthy of blame: Users are the weakest link: Most users are the weakest link as they open spurious emails […]

The Consequences Of A Data Breach

The Consequences Of A Data Breach

An information rupture, or information spill, is a security criterion in which protected information is hacked into or stolen by unapproved watchers. An information rupture is not quite the same as data loss which is when information can never again be retrieved on account of hardware failure, deletion or any other reason. On the other […]

Why Should You Add A Website Cookie Consent?

Why Should You Add a Website Cookie Consent

You’ve probably seen how it appears as though each and every site you visit these days incorporates some warning about utilizing cookies. Presently, you may be wondering…does my site need one of those cookie assents? What’s more, assuming that works wonders for your site, by what means can I really make a cookie flag for […]

Ransomware Attacks – Why It Should Be Matter Of Concern To Your Business

Ransomware Attacks – Why it Should be Matter of Concern to Your Business

In the year gone by, the data breaches that marked the business profile has gone up by a huge margin with ransomware attacks making up 24% of malware breaches. Here are the topmost five security concerns driving the industry in circles Ransomware is on an acute ascent despite the fact that general Malware assaults have […]

Data Breach: 5 Fatal Consequences For Businesses

Data Breach 5 Fatal Consequences For Businesses

A Data breach has many repercussions that seep down in the organization hierarchy and cause a lot of harm to the company’s reputation amongst other things. It erodes customer loyalty and destroys brand reputation with a massive blow to the financial arm. A large cross-section of industry executives believe that cyber security threats with weak […]

Experienced Data Breach? Here Is What You Can Do

Experienced Data Breach Here Is What You Can Do

After a revealing data breach, I was aghast with disbelief. At that point when I heard the news trickling in on the credit information which stands exposed, my first question was whether I was one of the large pool of potential exploited people whose individual data could be in the hands of the scammers? What […]

Objectives of Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) Scheme

Objectives of Notifiable Data Breach NDB Scheme

Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) is a scheme where organizations must inform the agency when a data breach is likely to result causing serious harm to an individual by leaking his personal details online. Emails, Cloud and E Commerce have achieved business transformation online and are the pillars of day-to-day business activities. This is all good […]

Suffered A Data Breach? Here is What To Do

Suffered A Data Breach Here is What To Do

You might just have been alerted by the latest news that there has been a data breach and this time the personal information of many unsuspecting victims may have been compromised. You start wondering if you might be one among them. What do you if you suffer a data breach? Where do you go? Whom […]

Protect Your Company Against a Data Breach, Know-How

Protect Your Company Against a Data Breach Know How

There is no business irrespective of size and breadth, that is unknown to a data breach which is continuing to make headlines as they are trespassing major sites in the retail store market. It is the small businesses that are largely affected by a data breach, while it is quite surprising that the small businesses […]