Big Data Optimisation Strategies will be winners

30JUL19 BigDataOptimisaiton
Image courtesy of CloudTweaks

First published by Robb Heineman, FanThreeSixty, 4 Sept 2018. Data is ubiquitous, but success apparently isn’t. Companies using big data strategies are running headlong into an 85 percent failure rate as a result of resistance from management, a lack of adequate training, and an inability to integrate the new strategies with existing business processes. Many […]

It Pays to have a Digitally Savvy Board

Image by MIT Sloan School of Management

By Peter Weill, Thomas Apel, Stephanie L. Woerner, and Jennifer S. Banner, MIT Sloan Management Review, March 12, 2019 Boards of directors have many issues competing for their attention, but being digitally conversant in an era of digital transformation is quickly rising to the top of the list. Nearly all companies are looking for ways […]