IoT & Security

Iot Security

IoT & Security

IoT and Security are interrelated and best comprehended by first understanding their individual roles cut out for them. IoT (Internet of Things) is a concept called machine to machine (M-M) connectivity realized by embedded sensors that engage the machines to communicate with one another, likewise not being restricted to machines alone. IoT also encompasses machines, people and animals interconnected via a UID (Unique Identifier Device) and the ability to transfer data over a network without human to human or human to computer dependance.

Having said this Internet Security can be defined as the unsupervised and continuous, unmeasured communication effected between gadgets and devices while complying with all security measures and denying cyber criminals an edge over networks.

In a one-liner, IoT Security can be assessed as that area of operations that safeguards connected devices and networks in the Internet of Things (IoT)

The devices connected are a reservoir of humongous personal data that include age, names, location and more, which can turn into a veritable potpourri of information in the hands of a cybercriminal out to steal identities. At such a time, advent of IoT puts into the realm of cyber crimes a more sinister undoing that involves data breaches of a greater magnitude unable to fathom. Here connected devices impart a security concern with each additional node all which eventually connects to your mobile phone.

Turning on TV’S, adjusting temperature or lighting, preheat the oven, check the installed cameras at home, all done remotely with your smartphone is quite unnerving because of the tons of data that could fall prey to scamsters. Internet can fall prey to IoT systems thus being exploited by cyber criminals. Hence it’s imperative to secure the IoT devices and ensure that your digital life is protected.

  1. Install reputable internet security software on your computer, tablets and smartphones of the likes of Norton Antivirus or Norton Security Deluxe.
  2. Use strong and unique passwords for Internet, Wi-Fi and connected devices. DO not use common and easily guessed passwords for your devices.
  3. Be doubly sure when it comes to apps.
  4. Buy with care and be alert to the data being collected, most often personal data that could be shared with third parties and their privacy policies.
  5. Use a Norton Security VPN while directing data to your home internet.
  6. Check the device manufacturers website for firmware updates.
  7. DO make it a point to turn off your mobile Wi-Fi and never leave it accessible to strangers which have automatic sharing turned ON and that can be unwittingly shared with users in close proximity.
  8. Install end to end encryption so that you encrypt all data that leaves your mobile to users at every juncture.

Deploying IoT effectively means deploying securely which implies ascertaining data confidentiality and data integrity are protected at all times and confirming that IoT Systems are no more defenseless against cyber attacks. IoT Security is a key to gain consumer trust in privacy and fulfill the IoT initiative. The major forms of threat arise from the smart devices connected on the cloud server.

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